




当一个人没有合法的理由联系你时,就会发生跟踪, 在你说你想一个人静一静之后,还继续打扰你. This repeated, unwanted contact can make you afraid for your personal safety.  This text will help you understand stalking and find ways to protect yourself.


跟踪可能发生在任何人身上. 澳门足球博彩官方网址用“目标”这个词来指代任何被跟踪的人.  Targets are most often women, but children, teenagers and men can also be targets.


  • following you from place to place or following 你的家人 or friends to get information about you
  • 直接或间接与您沟通, 你的家人, 或者你的朋友来获取你的信息
  • 在家里、学校或其他任何地方看着你
  • 针对你的威胁和恐吓行为或评论



  • 你是否一直被这个人困扰?
  • 你相信跟踪者不会停止吗?
  • Have you told this person in any way that you do not want any further contact?
  • 不想要的活动是否包括一种以上的接触?
  • 你担心这种行为会影响你在学校的表现吗, 或者你与他人的关系?
  • Have you tried to avoid this person by changing your daily routine and asking family, 朋友或同事不要透露你的信息?
  • 你担心你的人身安全吗?

If you answered “yes” to any of these questions, you might be the target of a stalker. 为自己制定一个保护计划并使用它是很重要的. 不要忽视被跟踪的迹象.  While most stalkers only want your attention, you can’t predict how intrusive a stalker may become.

A stalker may promise to leave you alone if you’ll just go somewhere with him/her to talk – but do NOT go anywhere with a stalker. 为了保护自己不受跟踪者的伤害——打电话给警察并寻求帮助.



不要和跟踪狂交谈,这只会鼓励他/她. A stalker’s offer to discuss his/her feelings or reasons for stalking can easily turn violent if he/she realizes you don’t want to have any contact. 跟踪者通常无法判断或控制自己的情绪.


有很多方法可以提高你的安全水平, whether you are dealing with a stalking/ harassment situation or ending an abusive relationship. 以下是一些需要考虑的事项:

  • 如果你有直接的危险,拨打911或校园警察(812)888-5555.  Tell the operator that you believe you are in danger and are afraid for your safety.  如果你有任何法院保护令,也要告诉接线员.
  • 制定一个保护计划并使用它.  You need to think of ways you can keep yourself safe at places where the stalker might try to bother you (ex: walking on the street, 去上课或参加任何你可能受到伤害或骚扰的活动) .
  • 在你的手机里设置紧急号码.
  • 如果有人跟踪你,请引起别人的注意.  尽可能保持冷静, 但要去有其他人的地方, 去校园警察局, 使用校园紧急呼叫按钮, 或拨打911或校园警察.
  • 尽可能改变你的日常生活和旅行路线.  在不同的时间去上课.  Vary the times you go to the LRC to study, or the times you go to Tecumseh 餐厅 Center to eat.  尽可能和朋友一起旅行.
  • 与经常在电话中交谈的人建立一个密码. You can use the code as a signal you’re in danger, without alerting the stalker.  例如, “I crave blueberry ice cream” could be the signal that you are in danger and the person you’re talking to should contact Campus Police at once.
  • 随身携带笔和纸,并在电话旁待命.  写下时间,日期以及在不必要的接触中所说的话. 找到所有证人的名字和电话.
  • 永远不要扔掉或破坏跟踪者送你的任何东西. 卡片、电子邮件、信件、鲜花、礼物等. 如果警方介入可能会有帮助.  不要删除你可能收到的短信.
  • 对任何财产损坏或破坏行为拍照. 保存证据,收集证人的名字, 但不要冒任何个人风险去获取你的证据.
  • 当你在户外时,呆在周围有其他人的光线充足的地方.  避免独自行走.
  • 任何时候都要锁好车门.  上车前先看看车里和周围.
  • 相信你的直觉; pay attention to your feelings of fear and respond to them by getting help immediately.


网络跟踪涉及信息和通信技术的使用, 尤其是互联网, 被个人或团体骚扰, 恐吓你,让你害怕.  Common abusive behaviors that occur with the use of technology include monitoring communications with others, 传输的威胁, 诬告他人, 身份盗窃, 损坏个人资料或设备, 以及其他形式的侵略.

The Internet can be used in many ways to find out information about you and to harass you. 需要注意的最常见的方法包括:

  • 电子邮件:当一个跟踪者可以访问你的电子邮件帐户时, 他/她可能会阅读你收到和发出的邮件.  任何有你电子邮件地址的人都可以给你发送不需要的邮件. 
  • Instant messaging (IM): This allows people to send messages back and forth online, 就像在电脑前聊天一样.  IM程序允许人们共享图像、声音、视频链接和文件.  即时通讯工具可以用频繁的、不想要的信息来骚扰一个人.
  • 短信:它允许人们在手机上发送书面信息.  Texting is often used to harass a person by sending frequent unwanted messages that often have a threatening or intimidating tone.
  • Blogs:  Personal blogs often include information that might let stalkers know about your emotional state, 你如何利用你的时间,你的朋友和同事是谁. 这些信息可能泄露的信息比分享时安全的多. 
  • Social networking:  When you put your profile on a social network (ex: Facebook, 推特, Instagram), on an online dating service or on any site that shares information about the users, 任何人使用电脑都可以访问.  一旦你的信息在网络上, 任何人都可以继续使用它, 甚至是陌生人, 即使你把它从网站地址中删除.
  • Phone:  Answering machine or voicemail messages can be intercepted and erased, 即使是远程, 当跟踪者已经猜到或者能够猜到密码时.
  • Global Positioning Systems (GPS):  Newer model cellphones often have a GPS that can be traced to determine your location. 
  • 照片中的GPS数据:照片中的GPS数据被称为地理标记. A Geotagged photograph is a photo that includes geographical location data obtained from a GPS included with a camera or Smartphone.  当带有地理标签的照片上传到网上时, the photo can be placed onto a map to view the location where the photo was taken.


  • 在网上交流时选择一个中性的用户名和邮件地址.
  • 不要使用容易被猜到的密码.  Never use identifying information such as your name, address, birthdates in your password.  不要用昵称.  Use a combination of letters, symbols and numbers to make it impossible to guess your password.  NEVER SHARE YOUR PASSWORD WITH ANYONE including people who claim to be from your Internet service provider, 银行客户服务, 或其他网上服务.
  • 使用免费的电子邮件帐户,如Hotmail (www.hotmail).hotmail.com),雅虎! (www.雅虎. com)或Gmail (www.Gmail).Gmail.com), 对澳门足球博彩官方网址组, 社交网站, 邮件列表, 聊天室, IMs, 来自陌生人的电子邮件, 留言板, 填写表格和其他在线活动 .
  • Do not give your primary e-mail address to anyone you do not directly know or trust. 告诉任何有你地址的人不要把它放在群邮件里.
  • 限制或避免使用Facebook等社交网站. 如果你使用它们,不要在你的个人资料中放置识别信息. Use the security features to allow only known friends and associates access to your profile.
  • Tell your friends that you do not want them posting any pictures or information about you on their social networking sites.
  • Only use computers that you trust are secure and make sure that all operating system and application security updates have been applied.  Make sure you have anti-virus and anti-spyware software running and that it’s current.  有关保护你的电脑、你的家人和你自己上网的建议,请参阅: http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/comprehensive-security
  • 相信你的直觉.  如果你怀疑施虐者知道的太多, 有可能你的手机, computer or e-mail have been tampered with and your activity may be monitored. 
  • 安全计划.  跟踪是非常危险的, even if it is over the Internet and the stalker is not trying to contact you directly.  和能帮你制定保护自己计划的人谈谈.
  • 保存并记录所有内容. 即使你不确定是否要报警, it is a good idea to keep a log (write down information) about all incidents.  写下每次联系的时间、日期和地点.  如果你收到骚扰邮件,不要删除它们.  保存它们,并打印出每条信息的副本作为记录.  如果你向警方报案,打印出来的信息可以作为证据.
  • Save all threatening or harassing text messages or voice messages received on your cellphone.
  • 如果你认为跟踪你的人可以看到你的邮箱, start another private account that includes no personally identifiable information in your user name. 
  • 确保使用安全的密码.
  • Do not use this address for any social network contacts such as Facebook or 推特.
  • Find out how accessible you are on the Internet by searching for your name on a search engine such as Google or Yahoo.  It is helpful to know what information about you is available on the Internet.  主要 search engines such as Google and Yahoo may have links to your contact information. 
