

的 Candidate Physical Ability Test (CPAT) is the nationally-recognized standard for measuring an individual’s ability to handle the physical demands of the firefighting 职业.



的 Vincennes University CPAT Lab is open and available to the public, though 测试ing 每期只限3-5名考生.

的 timed 测试 consists of (8) separate events and are designed to simulate physical 消防员常见的活动.

Participants in the CPAT must navigate eight separate events on a closed course within 时长为10分20秒.



During the entire 测试, candidates wear a protective helmet, gloves, and a 50-lb weight 背心,设计用来模拟消防员个人防护装备的重量. 候选人将陪同 by proctors, who will call out directions for the 测试 events, monitor the candidate's 测试时间,并确保每个事件正确完成.

Each event must be completed exactly as prescribed – if a candidate cannot physically complete any component of the 测试, the candidate will fail the entire 测试; if a candidate commits specific mistakes during any event, the candidate fails the entire 测试.  A candidate also fails if all eight events are not completed within the 10-minute, 20秒时限.


CPAT Lab is open to the general public; however, due to ongoing concerns with COVID-19, 考试时间限制为3-5名考生.

如需测试的具体时间和日期,请致电 812-888-2871.

All CPAT participants must be at least 18 years of age and submit state-issued photo 识别. CPAT考试必须提前在网上安排——考试当天注册 或者不接受重新安排.



A female student carrying some equipment for the equipment carrying section of the CPAT


During orientation, candidates will receive instruction and coaching on 测试 events 并推荐了有效完成这些任务的策略和动作. 候选人 will have the opportunity to try out the CPAT 测试ing equipment to better understand 需要什么.

强烈鼓励参加一个或多个迎新会. 候选人 who take advantage of orientation consistently have a higher passage rate than those 谁不喜欢呢?. 135美元的费用包括两次迎新课程.00测试费.


In addition to orientation, candidates have the option to sign up for at least two (2)在考试前进行计时练习. 练习测试是一个完整的测试 模拟官方测试. 比如入职培训,应聘者至少要完成 一个练习测试的通过率始终较高.

If you choose not to participate in this pre-测试 program, you will be required to sign a waiver acknowledging that you are aware of the pre-测试 program and have declined 把它纳入你准备完成CPAT考试的过程中.



  • 体能测试的要求
  • 培训策略
  • 锻炼柔韧性、力量和心血管耐力的技巧
  • 补水和训练策略



On 测试 day, you will be required to show proper government-issued 识别.

为了考生和监考人员的安全 严格的着装要求:

  • 长长裤及脚踝(在测试开始前必须清空口袋)
  • t恤或运动衫
  • 封闭式的/跟鞋
  • 禁止佩戴松散的首饰

候选人 must meet the required dress code before participating in any CPAT event.


如果您有关于CPAT的其他问题,请查看澳门足球博彩官方网址CPAT常见问题解答. 如果您仍有疑问,请联系澳门足球博彩官方网址吉布森中心 812-888-2871.
