


This is an example of quick text to fill the body of the card with some 内容,以便在页面中正确呈现. 澳门足球博彩官方网址希望你喜欢它.



Vincennes University continues to reduce and prevent crime on a continual basis by doing the follo翼:

  • 24小时联络中央调度中心(E-911)
  • 与文森市警方保持24小时联系
  • 紧急911拨号
  • 24小时预防性巡逻
  • 由大学警务人员及学员进行校园徒步巡逻
  • 24小时工作人员在宿舍
  • 管理人员下班后占据了教学楼
  • 向团体举办预防犯罪研讨会
  • Crime prevention pamphlets provided to students and employees
  • 一些停车场被监控摄像头监控着

In addition to preventing crime, considerable effort is devoted to crime investigation. All reported crimes are investigated, and an attempt is made to identify the offenders. When caught, offenders are dealt with through the County court system and Vincennes University.

Indiana's Laws Regarding Sexual Assault, Relationship Violence, and Stalking

The follo翼 information is provided in accordance with the Campus SaVE Act.



Stalking occurs when a person who has no legal reason to contact you, continues to bother you after you have said you want to be left alone. This repeated, unwanted contact can make you afraid for your personal safety.




澳门足球博彩官方网址的努力不是为了给你们一种虚假的安全感. You need to know that crimes will occur but that prevention efforts can be effective in reducing the opportunities for criminal activity. 你们在澳门足球博彩官方网址的预防犯罪工作中发挥着关键作用. 小心谨慎, careful and alert to your own safety and protection of yours and the University's possessions. Please exercise the crime tips listed below and help avoid victimization.

  • 小心陌生人
  • 避免进入脆弱的无出口的地方
  • Do not hesitate to call police when confronted by unknown persons
  • 把你的房子或宿舍房间锁上
  • 晚上,至少两人一组
  • Walk with confidence, and avoid walking near bushes or parked cars
  • Familiarize yourself with the location of courtesy telephones
  • When parking, remove valuables from plain view and lock your vehicle
  • 记录你的财产序列号
  • Make copies of credit cards and other valuables in your wallet
  • Write your name and ID number in several places in textbooks
  • 把你的自行车锁在自行车架上
  • Take valuables home when away for an extended period of time
  • Report all maintenance problems (broken locks, windows, etc.)
  • 如果你必须独自行走, please make sure to use well lighted paths and sidewalks and take the most direct route
  • Attend security awareness 项目 held on campus for valuable information and safety tips
  • Use crosswalks and pedestrian crossing signals to safely cross streets
  • 了解校园服务. 你是你最好的保护伞——自我教育
  • Report all incidents and losses to Campus Police immediately
  • The Vincennes University Police Department provides escorts for individuals who have legitimate concern about their safety. The escort service is provided for your safety while walking on campus. Please call 5555 (on campus phones) and an escort can be summoned to your location and can accompany you to your on campus destination.
  • 妇女自卫讲习班——定期举办.
  • Resident Hall Handbook - Discussion by resident assistants with residents on security section of the handbook. This program centers around lost keys, strangers in the hall, room security and hall security.
  • 住房设施在澳门足球博彩官方网址提供24小时办公桌覆盖, 居民可以进入大楼, 地板上, 翼, 房间只能用钥匙, screens in windows and door alarms to control unlawful entry and exit.
  • Videos followed by discussions on the subjects of safety and acquaintance rape are held on campus.
  • Greek Advisor -- sponsors workshops with fraternities and sororities regarding issues of security, 酒精, 约会强奸.
  • Residence hall students may register their personal property with their individual residence hall.
  • 学生 residing off-campus may register their personal property with Campus Police. 安全 issues are addressed with parents during Summer Registration days.
  • Theft insurance brochure -- all residence hall students are mailed information of personal property insurance that can be used while they are students at 澳门足球博彩官方网址.
安全 & 使用设施
  • University personnel have access through the lock and key system to their work area or office at all times. 学生, 客人, and University people with no authority or role in a building have access only when a building is open. In order for a building to be open, an authorized University employee must be present.
  • The maintenance staff is responsible for locking all academic and administrative buildings after working hours. Residence halls are secured by residence hall staffs during those periods of time when only the students residing in those halls are allowed.
  • Areas and buildings where students gather or walk are lighted throughout the evening hours. 人流量很大的人行道整夜都亮着灯. 校园警察24小时在校园巡逻.


This is an example of quick text to fill the body of the card with some 内容,以便在页面中正确呈现. 澳门足球博彩官方网址希望你喜欢它.



What services are available to students after a sexual assault on campus?
The 澳门足球博彩官方网址 Counseling Center services are available free of charge to a victim who is a 澳门足球博彩官方网址 student. If desired, staff can accompany the student to or meet the student at the ER for services there. 学生 may also access Counseling Center services at a later time, 并接受持续的咨询等帮助, 解决问题, 刑事和校园司法程序的解释, 并转介到其他适当的机构.

Functioning under the auspices of state and federal mental health law, and within the guidelines of the 校园安全 Act (aka the Clery行为), counselors are not mandated reporters of sexual assaults and are able to maintain a victim’s confidentiality if desired.
